Monday, May 2, 2011

Greater Things?

Did you ever ask the question why Jesus ascended to heaven after his Resurrection?  I mean, it would be more convenient in our proof of Christianity to have a 2,000 year-old fomerly crucified man walking around for us to point to.  But that's not what he did.  Instead, he told his disciples in John 14, that he was going to the Father, and because he was going to the Father, we would do what he had done and even "greater things than these."  I know I cannot do anything greater than Jesus' miracles.  Can you?  So what was he talking about?  It has to do with what he told them would happen just before he ascended to heaven: that the Holy Spirit would come and the church would begin.  Can I do "greater things"?  No.  But can we?  Well...

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