Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hard Teaching: Why do false disciples leave?

Jesus reached a peak in his popularity after he fed 5,000 men and their families on a child's lunch. With throngs of people following him now, what did Jesus do to capitalize on his popularity? Give his most difficult and offensive sermon of his ministry and cause most of his followers to desert him, of course! Learn the difference between false discipleship and truly following Jesus.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Three Surprising Truths About Faith

The basis of our relationship with God is our trust in Jesus, so it makes sense that Jesus spent his time with his disciples training them to trust him.  How did he do it?  By putting them in situations they never could have handled before meeting Jesus.  They found that they were able to do things through the power Jesus gave them that they never dreamed they could do.  So it really wasn't so odd that Peter asked to join Jesus out on the lake when he saw him walking on the water.

Peter and the rest of the disciples always -- in this story and in others -- had a mixture of success and falling short.  When we examine this story, we find three surprising truths about faith and what it is like to learn to trust Jesus.

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Monday, March 12, 2012


This week we tried to get into the head of one of the first disciples Jesus called. What was it like to leave everything and follow Jesus? (The silence and rumbling in the end is me running out of the back of the sanctuary).

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Monday, March 5, 2012

The Temptation of Christ

When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, he faced the same kinds of temptations we face all the time. Temptations come in many forms, but each one we face is comes from one of the types Jesus faced in the desert. Why is this story so important for how we deal with our sin, guilt, and temptation today? Listen to find out.

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