Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Turning Your Ear to God: Solitude and Silence

The patterns of this world emphasize superficiality, small talk, and constant noise to drown out the emptiness of our minds and souls. Jesus invites us to unplug from all that and come away with him to a quiet place where we can hear God speak. Wouldn't you like to hear from God?

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5K race coming to Stephens!

We are hosting a 5K race as part of Stephens' spring festival on March 31st.  You can get all the information by clicking on the "Stephens RoadRunner 5K" tab above.  Please support us in our effort to minister to the people of Kobuk, Alaska, this summer !

click here to register online at Get Me Registered

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Study: Get Understanding

"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom.
Though it cost all you have, get understanding."

- Proverbs 4:7
Of all of Jesus' parables, The Parable of the Sower stands out as fundamental to understanding life in God's kingdom.  It works for understanding many different aspects of kingdom life, including evangelism, salvation, and spiritual growth.  These next few weeks, we are looking at how to be transformed into who God calls us to be.  In the parable, the sower spreads seed all over, but in only one area - the good soil - does the seed grow and mature enough to bear fruit.

It's easy to get the wrong impression on spiritual disciplines, that we are teaching that if you work hard enough, you will grow yourself spiritually.  But really what you are doing is preparing the "soil" of your heart to receive the grace of God so that it takes root in you and the Holy Spirit is able to freely do His work in you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Way of Jesus

Why don't New Year's resolutions work?  Why do we consistently fail to live up to our best intentions?  Why is it that when we sincerely want to change, we often still fail?  How is it possible love Jesus, want to please him, and remain mostly unchanged in our hearts? 

Jesus' three closest disciples loved him dearly.  They wanted to please him.  They wanted to stay true to him an watch and pray as he asked them in the Garden.  But they failed.  Why?  Jesus said, "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

Our problem is that, when the time comes to obey, we lack the strength to do so.  Often, we sin before we even have the chance to make a conscious decision one way or the other.  It is because our bodies are trained and conditioned for self-centeredness and sin.  We've been practicing all of our lives.  We have to change who we are in order to change what we do.  We have to go through spiritual training to become spiritually strong.  It is not magical or automatic.  It is hard work to submit our bodies to God, and then the Holy Spirit does his work of transformation.  It is difficult and painful at the start, just as a new exercise program is difficult on our bodies.  And like the new exercise program, it does little good without disciplined, consistent effort.  That is why we often give up. 

Author and Christian philosopher Dallas Willard puts it this way: "So, ironically, in our efforts to avoid the necessary pains of discipline we miss the easy yoke and light burden.  We then fall into the rending frustration of trying to do and be the Christian we know we ought to be without the necessary insight and strength that only discipline can provide… Our efforts to take control at that moment will fail so uniformly and ingloriously that the whole project will appear ridiculous to the watching world."

The message this week is about changing that.  Let's start the work of transformation.

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Family Meeting 2012

If you want to know about our church, where we are and where we are trying to go, listen to this week's message.  May God make ready in us a people prepared for the Lord.

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Friday, January 6, 2012

How will the members of this church treat one another?

A couple of months ago, we did a project on Sunday nights where our two groups used 1 Corinthians 13 to create statements for a "love pledge," describing how we ought to love one another as Christians.  I consolidated these statements with the pledge I wrote to come up with this, First Baptist's Love Pleadge for 2012:

The Love Pledge

“Love is patient…”
I will keep in mind that you will not change overnight… and neither will I.
I will respect and love you through all things, practicing the unconditional love of Jesus.