Jesus taught repeatedly that in the Kingdom of God, "many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first." What does that mean? I think one way to answer that question is that those unseen matters of the heart, where the Kingdom is built, will one day be made visible. And in that day, all of the ways that we measure success in this life will be swept away, and a new order will emerge that will be completely surprising to us but obvious to God, who can see the hearts of people. In light of this reality, Jesus told us that we should "store up our treasures in heaven," and not invest in the temporary things of earth. And this week we took a look at three bad investments we make in life that will completely disappear in God's Kingdom.
This was the first week we recorded with the new church computer, and there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the recording is free of almost any of that noise and buzzing that caused the previous recordings to sound bad. The bad news is that, for some reason, the first and last parts of the sermon were cut off, so you will have to fill in the blanks with your own thoughts and meditations.
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