This week's sermon was the first part of six weeks that we will be spending on the Kingdom of God, which was Jesus' first emphasis as he began his preaching and teaching ministry.
I think we oftentimes skip too quickly over Jesus' life and teachings, especially in evangelical churches where we are focused on individual salvation and the importance of the saving power of the cross, in order to get to the cross. We sing songs where we say Jesus "lived to die," and so forth. There is certainly a sense in which this statement is true. Jesus' work on this earth reached its fulfillment in his death and resurrection. But Hebrews tells us, "in these last days God has spoken to us by his Son." Jesus is God's final and complete revelation of himself to us. It is important for us to look not only at the significance of the death of Jesus, but his life as well.
So we will start where Jesus himself started, with the Kingdom of God
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(I never got the audio quality to where I was satisfied with it. I apologize for the buzzing).
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