Monday, October 17, 2011

A New Society, Part 3: New Relationships

We know we're supposed to love each other as Christ loves us, and, at times, we have seen ourselves and those in our church rise to different occasions and love in extraordinary ways.  But the new society to which God has redeemed us is defined by everyday love, not "special occasion" love.  And although we should be living our lives together as a church, the relationships in which we live out our everyday lives are not so much our church relationships but those at work and at home.

People are most touchy to advice about how we ought to go about our marriage, how we parent our kids, and how we make our living and act at work.  Often, we don't trust these relationships to anyone or anything but ourselves and our own wisdom.  These are the most personal relationships of our lives, so they are often the relationships that are the most untouched by the influence of our faith.  But since these relationships are where we live our everyday lives, these relationships--marriage, family, and work--must be transformed if we are to say we are living the redeemed life in Christ.  The command that guides our actions is Ephesians 5:21: "Submit to one another out of reverance for Christ."

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