Friday, November 30, 2018

Kingdom Parables: Called to Account

This week is the Parable of the Talents. Stewardship is a basic Kingdom concept. What will you present to God at the end of your life?

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Kingdom Parables: The Invitation

Today’s parable is the Parable of the Wedding Banquet. God invites us all to dine with his Son. Will you accept the invitation?

click to listen (right-click to download)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Guest Speaker: Marcus Brown

Marcus Brown, team leader for Church Health and Evangelism for the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, asks an interesting question about the story of David and Goliath: What happened to the bread and cheese he brought to the front lines?

No one cares, because David stepped up to the greater task. Have we spent our lives delivering bread and cheese when there is a giant to face?

Click to listen (right-click to save)

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Kingdom Parables: The Ugly Truth

As the time approached for Jesus' crucifixion, he began to teach about the ramifications of the rejection of Jesus by the Jews of his day. The parable of the tenants is such a clear condemnation of unfaithful Israel that these religious leaders, who mostly did not understand Jesus' parables, clearly understood that he was speaking against them. What does this parable illustrating the sin of unfaithful Israel have to do with modern people? As we look at this parable, we learn that while it is certainly the story of those Jews who rejected Jesus, it's also the story of all of sinful humanity... and it can even be the story of a local church.

Download this sermon (right-click to save)