Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Age of Elijah, part 5: Chariot of Fire

The story of Elijah being taken to heaven in a whirlwind with a chariot of fire is a cool story.  What can we learn from it?
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Monday, May 18, 2015

The Age of Elijah, part 4: The Baal Generations

During the time of Elijah, Baal worship had taken over in the North (Israel) and it had taken root in the royal palace in the South (Judah).  What happens when a generation turns to idolatry?  And are we in danger of raising up another Baal generation in the church today?

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Age of Elijah, part 3: Spiritual Leadership in an Idolatrous Age

When you think of Mothers Day and church, you don't immediately think "King Jehoshaphat."  (In fact, I can't really think of anything that would prompt you to immediately think "King Jehoshaphat," for that matter).

But when I was planning out this series (trying to get through the rest of the Old Testament story by Christmas), I had to make some tough choices.  One was to continue the series on Mothers Day, rather than prepare a special Mothers Day message, hence my text for Mothers Day is the reign of King Jehoshaphat.

So I prayed as a prepared my message for God to either tell me to throw my plan out and tell me to preach something else or to show me something appropriate for the occasion.  And I believe God showed us something directly from the text that speaks in a very relevant way to the modern task of the Christian parent.  I hope you will hear God as much as you listen as I did as I prepared.

Click to listen (right click to download)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Age of Elijah, part 2: Discouragement

With all the promises in the Bible, a person could say that a believer has no right to be anything but filled with hope, joy and optimism. But we often do get discouraged, even in times when it seems we ought to feel the strongest. 1 Kings 19 tells the story of the discouragement of God's "prophet of power," Elijah. What brings discouragement even to God's most faithful people? What does God do in response?

Click to listen (right-click to download)