Monday, February 23, 2015

United Kingdom, part 1: David's Sin

This week, we resumed our walk through the story of God, told in the Bible.  We left off in December with the great promise God had made to King David.  This promise pointed to the Messiah and was really the final piece of the foundation God laid for His plan through His people.  So the people were left to live between the promise and the fulfillment (much like the church between Jesus' ascension and His return).  Unfortunately, the story of God's people in the rest of the Old Testament is mostly one of failure.  But in the midst of that failure, the faithfulness of God shines all the brighter.

The story of this failure begins with King David, on a day where he had given himself nothing to do.  His great sin against God and his loyal soldier Uriah had terrible ramifications for the future of his family and kingdom.  The question for us is, "What must we do to protect ourselves against this type of catastrophic sin in our lives?"

Click to listen (right-click to download)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Faith and Finances Graduation

On Sunday, we celebrated the conclusion of our first Faith & Finances course, recognizing participants and giving our graduates their incentive bonus for completing the course.

Faith & Finances was a special time of building community, learning about how the gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to transform every part of our lives, and trying to better manage our money for our own needs as well as with God's kingdom in mind.

Here is a video that shows some of the results:

Monday, February 9, 2015

We Are FBC Stephens: We Will Support and Protect the Witness of the Church

We finished going through our church covenant this week. This week our pledge was "We Will Support and Protect the Witness of the Church." How will our lives give accurate testimony of the truth and power of the gospel?

Click to listen (right-click to download)

Monday, February 2, 2015

We Are FBC Stephens: We Will Serve the Ministry of the Church

We continued working through our covenant this week with our third statement: "We will serve the ministry of the church." This pledge has to do with our responsibility to one another.

 It is like Rudyard Kipling's poem, "The Law of the Jungle": "This is the law of the jungle... it runneth both forward and back: For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."

Click to listen (right-click to download)